
导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于英语高手求翻译方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于英语高手求翻译方面的知...


The Internet has been an important part in our daily life after the Telephone and Television. Most of consumers(消费者) purchasing(采购)/shopping(购物) and investing (投资)online by the Credit card(信用卡). Other electronic payment systems(电子支付系统) which sometimes called "digital currency" or "e cash" are also very popular(流行/普遍). The purpose of these systems is to facilitate(使变得容易、简便、便利)the shopping. For instance(这是正式文本。

最好别写example), "debit cards" can switch the value of the cash money in it. This card is widely using in bus stations, college campuses, gas/gasoline/service stations and even for prestore the phone charges.。

