From(Guangzhou to Tuticorin port ,India ,1X20'GPCarrier:MSK O\/F:USD 1150\/20'GPEvery Mon & Thu fm Huangpu feeder to Nansha ,Nansha Cls :Sat ,ETD: Mon. T\/T:15daysCarrier:MSC O\/F:USD 1150\/20'GPDaily service fm Huangpu feeder to CW,Shenzhen ,CW Cls :

导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于From Guangzhou to Tuticorin port ,India ,1X20GPCarrier:MSK O\/F:USD 1150\/20GPEvery Mon & ...

想必现在有很多小伙伴对于From Guangzhou to Tuticorin port ,India ,1X20'GPCarrier:MSK O\/F:USD 1150\/20'GPEvery Mon & Thu fm Huangpu feeder to Nansha ,Nansha Cls :Sat ,ETD: Mon. T\/T:15daysCarrier:MSC O\/F:USD 1150\/20'GPDaily service fm Huangpu feeder to CW,Shenzhen ,CW Cls :Tue ,ETD:Thu. T\/T:15daysThe rate is subject to the below local chargeTHC:RMB370DOC:RMB125The rates are valid to the end og Augest.","title_text":"From Guangzhou to Tuticorin port ,India ,1X20'GPCarrier:MSK O\/F:USD 1150\/20'GPEvery Mon Thu fm Huangpu feeder to Nansha ,Nansha Cls :Sat ,ETD: Mon. T\/T:15daysCarrier:MSC O\/F:USD 1150\/20'GPDaily service fm Huangpu feeder to CW,Shenzhen ,CW Cls :Tue ,ETD:Thu. T\/T:15daysThe rate is subject to the below local chargeTHC:RMB370DOC:RMB125The rates are valid to the end og Augest.方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一些关于From Guangzhou to Tuticorin port ,India ,1X20'GPCarrier:MSK O\/F:USD 1150\/20'GPEvery Mon & Thu fm Huangpu feeder to Nansha ,Nansha Cls :Sat ,ETD: Mon. T\/T:15daysCarrier:MSC O\/F:USD 1150\/20'GPDaily service fm Huangpu feeder to CW,Shenzhen ,CW Cls :Tue ,ETD:Thu. T\/T:15daysThe rate is subject to the below local chargeTHC:RMB370DOC:RMB125The rates are valid to the end og Augest.","title_text":"From Guangzhou to Tuticorin port ,India ,1X20'GPCarrier:MSK O\/F:USD 1150\/20'GPEvery Mon Thu fm Huangpu feeder to Nansha ,Nansha Cls :Sat ,ETD: Mon. T\/T:15daysCarrier:MSC O\/F:USD 1150\/20'GPDaily service fm Huangpu feeder to CW,Shenzhen ,CW Cls :Tue ,ETD:Thu. T\/T:15daysThe rate is subject to the below local chargeTHC:RMB370DOC:RMB125The rates are valid to the end og Augest.方面的知识分享给大家,希望大家会喜欢哦。

From Guangzhou to Tuticorin port ,India ,1X20'GP从广州到印度Tuticorin港,一个20尺平柜Carrier:MSK O/F:USD 1150/20'GP承运人:MSK(马士基) O/F:美元 1150美元/20尺平柜Every Mon & Thu fm Huangpu feeder to Nansha ,Nansha Cls :Sat ,ETD: Mon. T/T:15days每个星期一和星期四从黄埔到南沙,南沙班次:星期六,估计的交贷时间(估计的出发时间):星期一.电汇:15天Carrier:MSC O/F:USD 1150/20'GP承运人:MSK(马士基) O/F:美元 1150美元/20尺平柜Daily service fm Huangpu feeder to CW,Shenzhen ,CW Cls :Tue ,ETD:Thu. T/T:15days从黄埔到CW的日常服务,深圳,CW班次:星期二,估计的交贷时间(估计的出发时间):星期四.电汇:15天The rate is subject to the below local charge:以下当地费用按照此汇率计算THC:RMB370 码头作业费:人民币370元DOC:RMB125 文件费:人民币125元The rates are valid to the end og Augest.此汇率在8月底前有效。

