
导读 想必现在有很多小伙伴对于车太贤演的《开心鬼上身》英文插曲叫什么名字方面的知识都比较想要了解,那么今天小好小编就为大家收集了一...



插曲名是:do you remember me

歌手:jackson jer


专辑:《precious moments》


Don't judge by what you see

There's a softer part of me

Girl, my life has been so cold

There were times I needed you so

Do you remeber me

I'm the one who loved you long ago

Do you remember me

From the days when our hearts were young

Jackson Jermaine

Look deep into my eyes

There's a glow you'll recognize


Girl, I can't change the wrong that I've done


Time can't erease the love that we know

Do you remeber me

I was the one

I was the one who loved you long ago

Do you remember me

From the days when our hearts were young

Do you remeber me

I'm not a stranger, girl

Do you remember me

I was the one who was wrong no doubt about it

I was the one who broke all our dreams in two

I was the one who could lnever forget about you

Do you remeber me

I was the one

I was the one who loved you long ago

Do you remember me

From the days when our hearts were young

Do you remeber me

I'm not a stranger, girl

More than just a member

Do you remember me


遗憾的是 找不到下载的地方!希望大家一起找找看 有的发一个!

